A process coordinated by:

The Mediterranean network of MPA managers (MedPAN) supports the implementation of international agreements and marine policies, fostering partnerships with all the relevant marine conservation actors and key regional organisations. In 2022, the network is composed of over 130 members and partners representing 21 Mediterranean countries. MedPAN provides technical support to MPA directly at local level as well as through coordinated actions at the regional level. The strength of MedPAN lies in its ability to make the link between science, experiences on the ground, and the decision-making processes, providing a coordinated input to policy by voicing MPA managers’ concerns, obstacles, and feedback.

The Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC) was established by the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols in order to assist Mediterranean countries in implementing the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean.
Tunisia has been hosting the Centre since its establishment in 1985.
The organisation of multiple editions of the Forum of Mediterranean MPAs has been made possible thanks to the support of:

This website is made possible thanks to the financial support of:

The Hans Wilsdorf Foundation

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