Capacity and Awareness
Build capacity of MPA managers, staff and stakeholders and communicate on MPA values to larger external audiences to raise their awareness

Provide communication toolkits that MPA managers can customise and adapt to local contexts, to promote the value of MPAs for ecosystem services, local livelihoods and biodiversity conservation efforts.
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Develop and promote MPA communication toolkits (translated in different languages) building on existing ones and using positive messaging
- Promote innovative communication approaches such as live underwater video conferences for raising public awareness
- Capacity building and training on the use of communication toolkits for MPAs
Relevant Geographic Level
- National
- Regional
Priority Geographies for Implementation
Toolkits should be used in all Mediterranean countries, but priority given to Balkan countries and those in the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean.
Responsible Parties
- International and regional organisations
- MPA national authorities
- National and local NGOs and national networks of MPA managers
- MPAs
- Academic institutions
Indicators of Success
- Number of toolkits created and made available in different languages
- Number of countries adopting toolkits and creating MPA awareness campaigns
- Number of MPAs using the toolkits
Develop and implement a public relations strategy, aligned with each MPA management plan, that translates ecological, social, and economic roles and benefits of the MPA into the appropriate language to be understood and accepted by non-technical stakeholder communities.
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Collect and distribute existing public relation strategies that could be used as models for other MPAs
- Develop and disseminate a generic public relations strategy that could be adopted and changed for local circumstances
Relevant Geographic Level
- National
- Regional
Priority Geographies for Implementation
Strategies should be developed and implemented in all Mediterranean countries, but priority given to Balkan countries and those in the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean.
Responsible Parties
- IGOs and NGOs
- National MPA authorities
Indicators of Success
- Development and dissemination of generic public relations strategy
- Number of public relation strategies developed and implemented at MPA level
Design a strategy to promote effective communication between local management authorities and authorities at national level.
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Identify gaps in communication between local and national level
- Develop a menu of strategies that individual MPAs or MPA managers could choose between, depending on the gaps identified above
- Identify and centralize communication toolkits already existing that could be adapted by MPAs according to their needs
Relevant Geographic Level
- National
- Regional
Priority Geographies for Implementation
Strategies should be developed and implemented in all Mediterranean countries, but priority given to Balkan countriesand those in the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean
Responsible Parties
- National MPA authorities
- National networks of MPA managers
Indicators of Success
- Number of countries with strategies
- Improved communication between local and national management authorities
Formalise in the Barcelona Convention and EU strategic plans the commitment from countries to provide MPAs with adequately staffed and equipped local management units and to invest in capacity building from individual to institutional level.
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Coordinated outreach by stakeholders (including NGOs, MPAs, etc.) to the UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention and European Commission national focal points and representatives
Relevant Geographic Level
- Regional
- National
Priority Geographies for Implementation
All countries in the Mediterranean.
Responsible Parties
- IGOs and NGOs
- National and regional networks of MPA managers
- European Commission
- UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention
Indicators of Success
- Ratification of Strategic Plans with adequate MPA staffing commitments and investment in capacity building
- Barcelona Convention and European Commission decisions mandating adequate staffing for MPAs and investment in capacity building
- Percentage increase of MPA staffing levels
Strengthen the coordination of MPA capacity building activities between regional organisations and national authorities through the provision of standardised, user-friendly guidelines and complementary operational training programmes.
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Strengthen cooperation between regional organizations and national authorities in capacity building
- Map the needs of MPA staff and stakeholders to feed into the development of guidelines and training programmes
- Take into account traditional ecological knowledge in the development of capacity building initiatives to support mutual understanding and inclusiveness of approaches
- Adoption of common indicators, approaches and tools to identify capacity needs
- Monitor the performance of the aforementioned indicators, approaches and tools
- Ensure training programmes are inclusive, demand-driven and include multiple stakeholders
- Consider developing a certification system for the Mediterranean
- Further investment, development and rollout of MedPAN Training Mechanism
Relevant Geographic Level
- Regional
- National
Priority Geographies for Implementation
Strategies should be developed and implemented in all Mediterranean countries, but priority given to Balkan countries and those in the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean.
Responsible Parties
- UNEP/MAP-SPA/RAC and other IGOs and NGOs
- Regional and national networks of MPA managers
- National training providers
Indicators of Success
- Number of capacity building activities
- Number of MPA managers and stakeholders receiving capacity building
- Number of guidelines developed
Train MPA managers, staff, and local stakeholders on conflict management and resolution, stakeholder engagement, and communication with the support of expert advisors.
Strategies and Actions for Implementation
- Develop training materials on conflict management and stakeholder engagement
- Test training materials in pilot countries and MPAs
- Share the material at Mediterranean level
- Conduct trainings
Relevant Geographic Level
- National
- Regional
- Local
Priority Geographies for Implementation
Strategies should be developed and implemented in all Mediterranean countries, but priority given to Balkan countries and those in the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean
Responsible Parties
- IGOs and NGOs
- Regional and national networks of MPA managers
Indicators of Success
- Number and type of conflict management and stakeholder engagement training materials and courses implemented
- Number of persons receiving training
- Number of MPA staff that have received training