Strategic Objective(Required) 1. Type of commitment Direct commitment indicators are commitments that contribute directly to the success indicators.
Contributory commitments are related to actions that significantly support advancement towards success indicators.
1.1 National Strategies 1.1 Add indicators Number of policies aligned with MPA targets
1.2 Legal reform 1.2 Add indicators Number of legal reforms drafted Number of legal reforms being implemented Number of legal reviews Number of institutional reviews Number of sectoral sustainable development plans including MPA planning and management considerations Number of sectoral sustainable development plans that include MPA co- or management with/by local communities Number of sectoral sustainable plans with a gender approach
1.3 Multisectoral bodies 1.3 Add indicator Number of Meetings Number of Women Number of Youth Number of Meetings/workshops/Site visits Number of Participants Number of Women Number of Youth Number of MPA networks Number of Members Number of Women Number of Youth
1.4 Spatial planning 1.4 Add indicators Number of legislations that include MPAs and aligned with Marine Spatial Planning & integrated coastal zone management Number of MPA strategies developed/amended in participation with local and private sector and other relevant stakeholders Number of countries that have conducted an inclusive Marine Spatial Planning process that has a clear and tangible MPA component
1.5 Decentralise governance 1.5 Add indicators Number of legislation/legal framework with decentralised competences, for Region, province, municipalities, economic stakeholders organisations, to create and manage MPAs Number of legislation/legal framework with provisions for gender sensitive approach to foster the involvement of women and young people Number of legislation/legal framework with provisions for MPA participatory planning and management and co-management (provisions involving directly local and economic stakeholders in the MPA management) Number of MPA with decentralised and co-management governance in place (see MPA status) Number of MPA status including provisions for participatory governance and co-management Number of MPAs with participatory governance and co- management established Number of MPA status including provisions for gender sensitive management approach
1.6 Specific government structures 1.6 Add indicators Number of new countries with national MPA agency/department established and sufficiently resourced Hidden
Number of legal reforms drafted and implemented Hidden
Number of legal reforms drafted Hidden
Number of legal and institutional reviews conducted Hidden
Number of legal reviews Hidden
Number of sectoral sustainable development plans that have included the planning and management of marine protected areas Hidden
Actions included in sectoral sustainable development plans that encourage co-management with/by local populations 2. Type of commitment(Required) Direct Commitment are commitments can be made that contribute directly to the success indicators.
Contributory commitment are related to actions that significantly support advancement towards success indicators.
2.1 Enhanced protection 2.1 Add indicators Percentage of area enhanced protection Protection Hidden
Protection type: no-take zone Hidden
Protection type: no-go zone Hidden
Protection type: no-fishing zone Number of maps produced Number of studies Please indicate either studies title or topic in the commitment indicator specific information
Percentage of increase of monitoring indicator
2.2 Law/policy on MPA creation 2.2 Add indicators Number of MPA laws created Number of MPA policy/strategy created
2.3 MPA commitments reflected in legislation 2.3 Add indicators Number of MPA legislation reflecting international commitments Number of MPA legislation strategy reflecting international commitments
2.4 Build capacity for judiciary and enforcement 2.4 Add indicators Number of capacity/training events/workshops for judiciary/law-related actors Number of participants Number of countries organising national capacity building and training events(Required)
2.5 Enforcement 2.5 Add indicators Number of countries with legislation provided for MPA staff to enforce MPA regulations Number of MPAs where local authorities and staff have actual legal competence to issue fines Number of violations effectively stated and managed by MPA rangers and local authorities Percentage of violations effectively stated and managed by MPA rangers and local authorities Number of MPAs with enforcement monitoring programmes Number of MPAs implementing enforcement monitoring programmes
2.6 Civil society vigilance 2.6 Add indicators Number of MPAs with awareness campaigns about MPA regulations Number of MPAs with events about MPA regulations Number of participants Number of Women Number of Youth Number of MPAs with citizen science surveillance programmes operational Number of citizen involved Number of Women Number of Youth Percentage of decrease in indicator for illegal activity Percentage of species population increase in indicator species 3. Type of commitment Direct commitment indicator are commitments that contribute directly to the success indicators.
Contributory commitment are related to actions that significantly support advancement towards success indicators.
3.1 Add indicators Number of MPA business plans developed Number of best practice management and business plans compiled and published Number of stakeholder engagement strategies developed Number of strategies Please indicate either studies title or topic in the commitment indicator specific information
3.2 National advisory bodies 3.2 Add indicators Number of national advisory bodies established Number & type of Stakeholders Number of Women Number of Youth 3.3. Add indicators Number of awareness campaigns held Specify the campaign topic in commitment indicator specific information
Number of events held Specify the event topic in commitment indicator specific information
Number of awareness meetings Specify the meeting topic in commitment indicator specific information
Number of stakeholders Number of participants Number of Women Number of Youth Number of Memorandum of Understandings signed between institutions Specify names of institutions in commitment indicator specific information
Number of Meetings Specify the community name in commitment indicator specific information
Number of participants Number of Women Number of Youth Percentage of increased awareness (If there is any baseline and data available to support such a calculation)
3.4 Harmonised monitoring and assessment 3.4 Add indicators Number of harmonised national monitoring programmes developed and operational Number of harmonised national monitoring programmes developed and operational Number of harmonised national monitoring programmes developed and operational Number of MPAs implementing harmonised monitoring programmes
3.5 Collaboration with researchers 3.5 Add indicators Number of MPA working groups Number of updated management plans benefiting from collaboration with researchers Number of female researchers Number of MPA management effectiveness assessments carried out 4. Type of commitment Direct commitment indicator are commitments that contribute directly to the success indicators.
Contributory commitment are related to actions that significantly support advancement towards success indicators.
4.1 Communication toolkits 4.1 Add indicators Number of Communication toolkits developed and operational Please indicate in which language the toolkit is being developed in the commitment indicator specific information field.
Number of MPAs using toolkit Number of countries with toolkits and dedicated MPA awareness campaign
4.2 Public relations strategy 4.2 Add indicators Number of public relations strategies developed and operational Number of public relations strategies developed and operational
4.3 Local to National Communication 4.3 Add indicators Number of countries with strategies Number of meetings Specify the meeting topic in Commitment indicator specific information
Number of participants
4.4 Formalise commitments 4.4 Add indicators Percentage of increase in MPA staffing levels Number of MPA staff training courses Please specify the topic training course in commitment indicator specific information
4.5 Cooperation for capacity building 4.5 Add indicators Number of training sessions Specific of the training course topic in commitment indicator specific information
Number of Women Specific of the training course topic in commitment indicator specific information
Number of Youth Specifics of the training course topic in commitment indicator specific information.
Number of training sessions Specifics of the training course topic in commitment indicator specific information
Number of Women Specifics of the training course topic in commitment indicator specific information
Number of Youth Specifics of the training course topic in commitment indicator specific information
Number of guidelines developed Specific of the guidelines’ topic in commitment indicator specific information
4.6 Conflict Management Training 4.6 Add indicators Number and type of conflict management and stakeholder engagement training materials implemented Number and type of conflict management and stakeholder engagement courses implemented Number of trained persons Number of MPA staff that have received training 5. Type of commitment Direct commitments are Commitments that contribute directly to the success indicators.
Contributory commitments are related to actions that significantly support advancement towards success indicators.
5.1 National MPA funding 5.1 Add indicators Number of financial gap assessment led by country Percentage of decrease in gap between needs versus available
5.2 Sustainable financing mechanisms 5.2 Add indicators Number of legal/ institutional frameworks related to financing mechanisms in MPAs being identified and implemented Number of MPAs supported to implement new financing mechanisms Number of MPAs supported to implement new financing mechanisms Percentage of increase in investment in The MedFund
5.3 Finance Strategies 5.3 Add indicators Number of campaigns developed for MPA business plans Number of campaigns developed for MPA financial strategies Number of MPA business plans Number of MPA financial strategies Number of developed guidelines in business planning Number of MPA business plans Number of developed guidelines in financial strategies Number of MPA financial strategies Number of trained people in business planning Number of trained people in financial strategies
5.4 Finance capacity 5.4 Add indicators Number of MPA fundraising and funds management capacity building and training materials Specify the material topic in commitment indicator specific information
Number of participants Number of Women Number of Youth Number of MPAs 6. Type of commitment Direct commitment indicator are commitments that contribute directly to the success indicators.
Contributory commitment are related to actions that significantly support advancement towards success indicators.
6.1 Networking 6.1 Add indicators Number of regional networking event Specify the event topic in commitment indicator specific information
Number of new sub-regional and national networks established Number of members Number of new sub-regional and national networks established Number of members Number of Meetings Number of Stakeholders Number of meetings with other networks (i.e MedCities) Specify networks names in commitment indicator specific information
Number of exchanges and joint actions beyond the Mediterranean with other networks Specify networks names in commitment indicator specific information
Number of meetings Number of Stakeholders Number of participants Number of Women Number of Youth Number of meetings with other networks (i.e MedCities) Specify networks names in commitment indicator specific information
Number of exchanges and joint actions beyond the Mediterranean with other networks Specify networks names in commitment indicator specific information
Number of new sub-regional and national networks established Number of members Number of private sector fora attended Number of attendees Number of joint actions by networks of MPA managers and networks of other stakeholders Number of Women Number of Youth Number of initiatives by networks of MPA managers and networks of other stakeholders Number of Women Number of Youth
6.2 Post-pandemic recovery 6.2 Add indicators Number of Post-Pandemic Recovery Plans developed and operational at national levels
6.3 Gender equity 6.3 Add indicators Number of best practices developed and shared Number of MPA Gender Equity Strategy and Action Plan developed and operational
6.4 Beyond MPAs 6.4 Add indicators Number of coverage of SPAMIs (beyond national jurisdictions) PSSAs, FRAs, and OECMs Percentage of coverage of SPAMIs (beyond national jurisdictions) PSSAs, FRAs, and OECMs Number of trainings and tools developed related to SPAMIs, PSSAs, FRAs and OECMs
6.5 Emerging and existential threats 6.5 Add indicators Number of guidelines documents developed on emerging threats Number of events on emerging threats Number of participants Hidden
Meetings/ workshops(Required) Please indicate number of Meetings, number of stakeholders groups, number of participants. This could be 0.
Studies/ Recommendations reviews(Required) # studies/recommendations +titles
Financing(Required) Please indicate amount in €. This could be 0.
Planning process(Required) Please indicate the number & type of plan. The number could start at 0.
SH committees established(Required) Please indicate the number committees + SH groups in each committee. The number could start at 0.
Training/ capacity building(Required) Please indicate the number of training + training topic + number SH groups + number of participants. The numbers could start at 0.